Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Funny Tweet vol. 2

Gw ngubek2 akun twitter @TheComedyHumor lagi dan berhasil mendapat beberapa jokes (yang ga terlalu lucu) lagi. Cekidot:

That awkward moment when you hop into bed and get in the most comfortable position ever and then realize you forgot to turn off the light. (bener...udah pw, bo!)

That awkward moment when the people you'd take a bullet for, are the ones behind the trigger. (lah...koq jadi bijaksana, bijaksini gituh)

Am I the only one who puts my iPod on shuffle but keeps skipping until I find a song I like. (tau aje!jadi malu kite)

"Did your mom drop you as a baby?" "Yeah, into a pool of sexy." (I'm sexy n I know it)

I need a six month holiday, twice a year. (hahaha...klo boleh, gw mau banget dah!)

Mosquitoes should suck fat instead of blood. (setuju! kan gw bisa kurus sambil gatel-gatel gembira)

Girlfriend: Wanna see a magic trick? Boyfriend: Sure, babe. Girlfriend: BAM! You're single. (yeah)

"Was that lightning?" "No. They're taking pictures for Google Earth." (terlalu eksis, sodara2)

That awkward moment when someone says "you two should go out", when you actually do like the person. (betuuul...)

Want someone stop texting you? Send this SMS: SERVICE ERROR 305: MESSAGE DELIVERY FAILED. FURTHER MESSAGES WILL BE CHARGED TO YOUR ACCOUNT. (boleh dicoba nih)

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